With everyone spending more time indoors, it’s essential to consider the air quality inside your home, especially during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Understanding and knowing how to control common indoor pollutants can help reduce your risk of indoor health concerns. A good start is remembering to change your filter regularly, as often as recommended by design. Thankfully there are also some more advanced and practical approaches to air purification to help keep the environment inside your home more fresh, clean, and healthy that I will share with you in a moment.
The Fresh-Aire UV light is a whole-house UV light installed directly inside your central air system. As the air continuously cycles through the HVAC system, microbes and odors are eliminated. Products such as the Blue-Tube UV are proven effective in sterilizing biological contaminants, such as mold, germs, and viruses in the air and on system surfaces. These award-winning products neutralize odor-causing VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), often found in widely used products such as household cleaning/disinfecting items, degreasing products, paints, varnishes, aerosol sprays, air fresheners, dry-cleaned clothing, and even cosmetics. And to think thousands more products contain harmful VOCs. According to the EPA (click here), concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors than outdoors, often up to 10 times higher.
Fresh-Aire UV products can help to protect you and your family! Click below to read an update from Fresh-Aire UV concerning the efficiency against viruses, bacteria & mold.
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Email: pete-e@trustairllc.com
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